Let’s talk a lot about why Drinking wine should be fun (and not so serious!)
Let's party!
Let’s talk about drinking wine for fun!
This is a revision and update of my first post for the blog!
So much more I want to say, shockingly enough.
Some more advice too!
A little knowledge about wine goes a long way!!
As a wine fan, I am counting on your wanting to know enough about wine so that you can choose what you like more often.
You may want to know some basic wine vocabulary. It will make you feel more comfortable and confident when talking about wine in general. Check this post out:
Top 10 things you need to know to have a useful wine vocabulary
Or click here:
Spoiler alert:
The ten things are: grape varieties, acidity, balance, tannins, oak aging, body, finish, terroir, wine regions of the world, and how to describe wine.
I go over grape varieties here a bit, but check out the post for the rest when you have time.
Unless you are hanging out with sommeliers, drinking wine is not just formal wine tasting.
No, I am not suggesting being so casual as to do wine shots, unless the wine is that bad.
As a wine professional, I’m not allowed to suggest wine shots. That shouldn’t even be a thing!
As a parent I will say: Never do shots! By the time you realize you have had too much it is too late! I mean it.
You hopefully want to drink wine without overthinking it.
Overthinking means analyzing as if you are trying to get your somm designation!
Drinking wine should add to your life!!
It can add enjoyment to the food you are eating!!
Wine can pair with anything.
Not just cheese.
That is Cacio e Pepe popcorn there! Charcuterie! Nuts!
Shout out to La Compagnie Des Vins Surnaturels! Yum!!!!
It all went beautifully with the Chenin Blanc wines! Could work with so many others too!
Wine can add to a place!
It can add to a social gathering!
With drinking wine, you will want to know about basic grape types, as I mentioned above.
The reason I say basic, is that there are over 10,000 grape types over the world. I actually did not know how many until I just googled it. There are about 355 grape types in Italy alone.
The basic ones you may want to know are (although there are so many more):
Cabernet Sauvignon
Pinot Noir
Syrah (Shiraz)
Grenache (Garnacha)
Sauvignon Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Gruner Veltliner
Pinot Gris (Pinot Grigio)
Really helpful hint:
Type any of these grape varieties in the archive. You will find what I have written about any of them. How easy is that?
(Too many Italian white wines to list so check on my post of Best Italian white wines that are not Pinot Grigio.
While you want to be comfortable in your choices, you want to branch out, too. So many fun wines to try!!!
You probably want to know about the basic differences in types of wines around the world.
Yep, all of these grapes can taste different based on where the grapes are grown, and how it is made. I mention terroir which is the “personality” of the wine that comes from its surroundings. You will hear that word a lot!
You do not want to make expensive mistakes.
If, however, you believe that the more expensive the wine, the better it is, I am personally disappointed in you. You can do better! Let’s look at it as a teachable moment.
You may want to know why some wines are insanely expensive, and some really great tasting wines are not expensive at all. There are a number of reasons.
Check this out! More recent post is about The Top 4 things you should know about the cost of your wine. Read it HERE.
One reason is what the consumer is willing to pay! Don’t overspend. NO need.
Or click the button!
This is an example of a really expensive wine.
Yes, this is Chateau Lafite Rothschild. Is it worth the high price?
Value is subjective!!!
Never forget the law of supply and demand. That’s behind the price.
Let’s keep this wine drinking simple!!
For me, drinking wine comes down to:
Do I like it ? (YUM!)
Or do I not ? (YUCk!)
Maybe add a MEH in the middle.
If I like it, how much do I want to pay for it?
What is it worth to me?
When a wine professional says a wine is a good value and the wine is quite expensive, I roll my eyes. Good value is subjective. So is taste.
I recently read an article that asked whether the wine I was drinking was any good.
It actually said you may really enjoy a wine, but it may not be a good wine. WHO CARES?
What does a “good wine” even mean?
A better question is Did the wine serve its purpose? Do you want an easy drinking wine to go with your dinner, or your appetizers, or even your popcorn? You are not going to care if it is a well structured wine with intensity and complexity and expressiveness.
You may just appreciate that you really enjoyed it. That’s the goal.
Let’s say you are looking for something a little more than an easy drinking wine. If you like what you are drinking, isn’t that the only thing that should matter?
With formal wine tasting, it is way more than yuck or yum. In fact, whether you like it or not is irrelevant. The issue is whether it is a good representation of the grape type and where it is grown.
In my experience, price points are rarely discussed. (This is why you should not rely on ratings given by professionals.They are looking at different things than you may.)
There are less formal wine tastings. They are the equivalent of trying to figure out what you like drinking. I am all for that. Discover hidden gems!
I like comparing wines and finding great wines that punch above their price point. Comparing wines is the best!
Take every opportunity to compare wines.
If ordering a glass of wine, ask to have a taste of a couple before you decide.
Go to wine bars, and do the same.
I love being surprised by an inexpensive wine.
Have a party:
I am opening a store on this site very soon!! (Well, soonish!)
It will have fun games and wine tasting templates to download so that you can compare wines and discover more of what you like! You can make as many copies as you want once you download them. You’re welcome. Stay tuned!
It will make any wine tasting party better!!!
Now would be a good time to sign up for weekly fun wine ideas. Get a free wine guide too! Discounts for the shop will go to my wine community email buddies. Just saying!
No matter how much I have learned, I always come back to the basics of:
Do I like it or do I not? What is it worth to me?
For the person who loves to drink wine, this keeps it simple. And enjoyable. Wine should be an added pleasure to a meal, a relaxing time, or a party. At the very least, I don’t want the pressure of a homework assignment. HAVE FUN!