Best wine drink to start the party off right that’s not champagne!
What will start the party off right?
Let’s talk about this!
Years ago, I went to what I thought would be one of those boring get togethers that class parents have to (are supposed to?) throw at the beginning of each year. At the door, we were greeted with: Margarita?
YES! Please! I love this woman! (I had never met her before, but after this we stayed friendly for years and years!)
Way to start the evening off right!! Let’s set that tone!
To be fair, not everyone felt like I did. You have to know your audience. Your only obligation though is to make sure everyone is safe and can get home safely.
After that…
Hey, it’s your party!
Spoiler alert: I’m not suggesting a margarita in this post. Reserve those for when you really need an ice breaker.
This is the best wine drink:
Start with a sparkling wine. NOT champagne. (If you haven’t read my post on best sparkling wine to use for a mimosa instead of champagne, read it here. ) Prosecco is fine here should you have a favorite. My go to is always Cava.
Then add a sweet fruit wine from Morad Winery. Trust me, I had never heard of it either. Morad is a kosher wine from Israel, and I can’t find any other sweet fruit wine like it.
If you use a strong sweet liquor or liqueur instead of these wines, that would be overkill for starting the party off right. Again, trust me. I know from experience.
This is what you are looking for.
The wild berry is long gone from our house, but I’ll buy it again as soon as I find it.
Morad comes in a bunch of flavors, but the best for this drink are passion fruit and wild berry. Lychee is also a good choice, but not my go to. Since Morad can be hard to find, grab what you can get. You could use the Lychee wine for a lychee martini, but their are better options. (Clearly, I don’t drink just wine.)
Buy way more than you think you will need of both sparkling wine and Morad because this is insanely drinkable. (Please make sure everyone can get home safely. Sweet drinks have a way of sneaking up on you. Again, I know from experience, AKA learn from my mistakes.
Hold the presses last minute update: I was just at a wine festival and discovered another sweet fruit wine. It’s a Bulgarian Wine called Jamal’s Dreams and it comes in a wide variety of fruit flavors. It’s slightly higher in alcohol than Morad. I haven’t tried it mixed with Cava, yet, but I wanted to offer another option for this best wine drink. The raspberry and strawberry flavors should work quite well.
Wildly easy recipe:
Add one bottle of your chilled sparkling wine of choice to a half bottle of the fruit wine. Basic ratio here. You will need way more than this. See above about insanely drinkable.
Taste and see whether you need more of the fruit wine.
Instead of ice that will water down the drink, use frozen fruit. Mixed berries (frozen) is a great choice, but I have also used just frozen strawberries. Add more as you go along if you need it.
If you use a dispenser like I showed above, the fruit may clog it. Stir it around if that happens.
Another option is to serve the wine drink in individual glasses with the frozen fruit in each glass. Decide what is the easiest.
Greet your guests at the door with the drink. Come up with your own fun name for it.
I haven’t copyrighted Best Wine Drink to Start the Party off Right that’s not Champagne, so you could use that. But don’t. Choose something shorter. Be creative.
Once this drink sets the tone, your party can be anything.
You’ve started it right, so go and have some fun and good times!
Start the party the way you want to!